S2E2 10L Humble Perspective

3H2 Humans
Mastermind Symposium of Infinite Possibility
July 27, 2016
S2E2 10L Humble Perspective

LC Clear Alerts and Notifications
Listener Challenge #16
Give attention to alerts, unread emails, notifications and memory devices near maximum capacity.  Start fresh.  Start over.  Complete pending requests and question irrelevant information on devices. Ask, “What do I need to function?” Tap on alerts to remove them. Turn off push notifications which hinder productivity.  Silent phone when in public or at work.  Clean out all email inboxes. Leave items which require action and batch respond at one time. Unsubscribe from undesired advertisements.  Clear podcasts which have ceased to download due to inactivity. Optimize function of frequently used devices.


10L Humble Perspective

  1. Righteous anger ~ Defend a just position with proactive behavior
  2. Selfless behavior ~ Put other human welfare above ones own
  3. Get excited with someone ~ Joy is contagious. Enter anothers Pink Zone
  4. Introspect cause of frustrations ~ Increase ability to accurately assess behavior
  5. Tune out mass media ~ Patterns of thought mirror environmental stimuli
  6. Sleep on it ~ Optimize sleep conditions. Deep sleep restores mind and body
  7. Hydrate ~ Drink water upon morning rise. Restore lost fluids daily.
  8. Ditch the past ~ Increase present moment awareness. Alter expectations.
  9. Tip well ~ Domino effect of gratitude towards others. Small acts have a large impact.
  10. Identify human struggle ~ Express compassion towards creatures on Earth.


5L WSU Instructor Lessons Learned

  1. Alexander Spradlin – Psychology
  2. Faith Lutze – Criminal Justice
  3. Samantha Swindell – Psychology
  4. Brandon Bang – Criminal Justice
  5. David Makin – Criminal Justice


5L Thought Seed Leaders

  1. Charles Duhigg – The Power of Habit (2012)
  2. Charlie Hoehn – Play It Away (2014)
  3. Sara Gottfried – The Hormone Cure (2013)
  4. Simon Singh – The Simpsons Mathematical Secrets (2013)
  5. Dan John – Never Let Go (2009)

Announcements: (Original record date 2015.02.27) Amazon Prime for gifts / Contact local utilities and state government to discuss high color temp street lights / What are 3H2 Mystery Mind Seed Posters? Judgement discussed. Receive free set through 2016.08.15.  Request via Email today! (Limited Supply) / Mastermind Group beta testing.  Remote and at 3H2 office. Sign up in Appointments – Give and receive feedback / Local artist – Looyenga Photography. We are Happy with 3H2 photo results.  Thank You!