S1E2 10L Reflection Writing Habits

3H2 Humans
Mastermind Symposium of Infinite Possibility
April 29, 2015
S1E2    10L Reflection Writing Habits
LC Write 90 pages in 90 days

Listener Challenge #02
Challenge the mind and body. Produce words on a page on a regular basis, a daily habit if possible. Write 90 pages in 90 days. Open a new word document and save it with a motivational name and the 90 day date range. For the first time with this challenge, focus more on page count than substance of words. Free flow thoughts. Jump around ideas, ponder one problem for days, whatever the case may be, write, write, write.

10L Reflection Writing Habits

  1.  Formatting: Block style, spell check off, max 5 sentences per paragraph.
  2.  Daily routine: Write 90 pages in 90 days. Experiment with varied time of day. Complete task early as to increase success potential.
  3.  Remain in doc: Disable internet and distractions. Use whiteboard for notes.
  4.  Explore streams of consciousness: Solitude sans noise vs busy eatery.
  5.  Reflect honestly: When fooling others, the only fool is the self.
  6.  Small chunklets: Block thoughts 3-5 lines. Focus narrow then expand.
  7.  Set it and forget it: Let time pass before reading, then print and edit.
  8.  Remove assumptions: Explore possibilities along a continuum.
  9.  Be conscious of tense: I, we, me, past, present, future. Who is speaking?
  10.  Have fun: Listen to the muse. Dink around, philosophize, intuit.