S1E5 10L Initial Communication

3H2 Humans
Mastermind Symposium of Infinite Possibility
Friday September 11, 2015
S1E5 10L Initial Communication
LC Valentines Day Each Month

Listener Challenge #05
Dream as tough Valentines Day is celebrated twelve times a year, once a month. Be creative with this listener challenge. If living solo, pick one day a month for self-pampering and an escape from the norm. If in a couple or family situation, offer gratitude towards partners and loved ones who appear on a regular basis. Pick one reoccurring day in the month to celebrate Valentines twelve times a year.

S1E5 10L Initial Communication

  1.  Present Clear Objectives. Understand one’s own motives, and motives of others
  2.  Minimize Communications and remove assumption based questions
  3.  Shake bridge of truth. If red flags are felt, test validity of source
  4.  Be true to word. Only promise what will be delivered
  5.  Work towards 70/30. 70% listening and 30% talking. Ingest more, talk less
  6.  Practice what is preached. Master advice before soap-boxing ideas
  7.  Keep personal details to a minimum
  8.  Be open to any position in the mentor hamburger
  9.  Meet at a neutral location. Discuss ideal parameters of comfort
  10.  Minimize grandstanding. Replace self-congratulations with tell me more