Pink Zone Communication – Shared Understanding
Pink Zone Communication
A communication style where a shared understanding is reached. An object or concept is viewed as similar due to a thought process which is logical. Opinion is accompanied by a logical reason behind the particular perspective. Conscious effort is awarded toward articulation of words when Pink Zone communication is embraced.
Close attention to words will increase logic of a speaker. The reason, logical speakers form words from a conscious process whereas illogical speakers form words from a subconscious process.
Pink Zone Tangibility
A physical action which transforms a thought into a material object. This action evolves an idea beyond a mental process. An opinion becomes something tangible due to a third party ability to ingest a concept without further explanation. When noted in a material state, a thought becomes easier to measure with shared accuracy.
If there is a desire to reach a shared understanding with others, produce a pink zone tangible object during information transfer.
3H2 Humans with Lynn, is an educational entity that explores four Zones of communication.
The four zones of communication are Pink, Yellow, Higher and Halt.
Through conscious attention to these zones, a 3h2-Human strives to improve health, happiness and a humble perspective, a little bit each day.